Editorial board

The Editorial Board manages the journal, and decides on the scientific orientation and scope of the journal. The members of the EB decide on the journal's editorial policy and are responsible for its day-to-day operations. The Editorial Board chooses the topic to be covered in each issue in full knowledge of the state of research in the disciplines addressed and scope of the journal. 

Organisation and members

The Editorial Board (EB) is composed of the editor-in-chief, two managing editors and one member of the DARIAH Coordination Office, the Communications Officer to support the promotion, dissemination and distribution of the journal’s calls and issues. A four-year term mandate for the position of editor-in-chief will be applied and a three-year term mandate for EB members, which will all be renewable. 

Roles and missions

The Editorial Board organises and runs the EB meetings (setting the agenda, discussing it, validating decisions and applying them). The EB is responsible for relations with the stakeholders relevant to the journal (including technical maintenance in collaboration with Episciences), with guest editors/thematic editors, and with Scientific Committee members. The EB is in charge of publication decisions and for the final form of published material. 

The EB manages the evaluation of the submissions and makes the final decision on which ones will be published. It supports the Scientific Committee in the review process according to their specialities and interests. Finally, the EB collectively defines the editorial direction of the journal and contributes to making it known.

The EB is responsible for the choice and handling of the thematic collections (and Varia section) and the appointment of thematic editors.  Thematic editors  coordinate the editorial process of the thematic collections. The Editorial Board guarantees the scientific integrity of the editorial process. It makes sure that the peer review is conducted in compliance with the Core practices from COPE.

Contact: transformations@episciences.org