Code of conduct


Authors guarantee that their article proposal is original and does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity. The authors guarantee that their proposed articles have not already been published and that they are neither partly nor entirely based on previously published work. The authors undertake not to have simultaneously submitted the proposal to another publication. 

Evaluation process

The evaluation process is based on open peer review (the identity of the reviewers is known). 

Plagiarism and self-plagiarism

Submitted articles are subject to anti-plagiarism detection via the Compilatio tool.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare to the Editor-in-chief of the journal any potential conflict of interest, whether professional, financial or otherwise, which could be interpreted as having influenced their approach. 


Each article submission is considered impartially and its merits are judged without distinction of gender, religion, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic origin, seniority or institutional affiliation of the authors.


The funding from which the authors received to carry out the research valued in scientific production is explicitly mentioned in the articles.

Publication costs

The journal does not charge any publication fees.

Defamatory statements

The authors guarantee that their article proposal does not contain any defamatory, hateful, fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statement.

Feed backs

The journal editorial team reserves the right to publish, following the articles, the reactions, responses and comments submitted to it. Readers are invited to report to the journal any content that is factually incorrect, or contrary to more general ethical or legal principles.


The authors guarantee that they appropriately cite all publications used in their work.