Publishing policies

Editorial definition

  • Title: Transformations: A DARIAH Journal
  • Year of creation: 2024
  • Periodicity: Ongoing
  • Publisher: DARIAH ERIC
  • Director of publication: Toma Tasovac
  • eISSN: pending

Copyright and distribution policy

  • Diamond Open Access
  • Creative Commons - Attribution - CC-BY 4.0
  • Copyright: Authors grant the journal non-exclusive publication rights and retain their own rights without restriction.

Publication fee policy

  • Publication fee: no
  • Submission fee: no

Review policy

  • Review procedure: open peer review
  • Average time from submission to publication: 32 weeks

Self-archiving policy

Published version

  • Rights holder: Author
  • License: CC-BY 4.0
  • Authorised locations:
    • Open access on the journal’s website
    • Any website
  • Conditions: The original publication in the journal must be cited.

Accepted or submitted version

  • Rights holder: Author
  • Licence: CC-BY 4.0
  • Permitted locations: Any website
  • Conditions: The original publication in the journal must be cited.